Rabu, 02 Januari 2019

Polio History

Polio has been known since pre-historic times. Wall paintings in ancient Egyptian temples depict healthy individuals with paralyzed legs to walk with a cgua. Roman Emperor Claudius was stricken with polio as a child and become limp all his life.

Polio is a disease caused by a virus, attacks the whole body including the muscles and nerves, causing permguant paralysis and death. the disease is spread through feces, saliva and air. Symptoms begin with fever, fever, flu, muscle aches, nausea, and sore throat.

British physician Michael Underwood describes polio clinically for the first time.

German physician Jacob von Heine published a 78 page note stating the involvement of the spinal cord on polio.

The first reported epidemics of polio occurred in Vermont, USA.

Austrian physician Karl Landsteiner identified the polio virus.

Polio spreads in the U.S. exceptional. In New York alone there are 9000 cases were reported.

The Sister Kenny Foundation was established. Kenny used as the standard procedure for the treatment of polio patients in the U.S..

Laboratories Salk Scientist funded Sarah Mellon Foundation to be one of the four laboratories that received the award on the polio virus research.

A total of 58,000 cases of polio occurred in the U.S.. Initial version of the Salk vaccine success in Pennsylvania, USA

Large-scale trials Salk vaccine funded the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis

Successful vaccine trial reported Dr. Thomas Francis Jr. of the University of Michigan, USA. Vaccination programs began to run across the U.S.

Field trials prove successful, the Sabin oral vaccine using an attenuated virus effectively

Sabin vaccine Salk vaccine replaced the terbuktilebih resistant lana

With an average of 350,000 cases of polio in the world. WHO to eradicate polio in the world until 2000.

The total number of polio cases worldwide dropped to 100000. Almost all of the occurrence in Asia and Africa.

War, natural disasters, and poverty di30 nenghalangi African countries in Asia eradication of polio eradication in polio.Target reschedule until 2005.

As many as 575 million children vaccinated in 94 countries.

Health ministers from six countries still affected by polio hold a meeting to take the tamat step of polio eradication. Even so, come 1170 cases of polio, 760 of which occur in Nigeria.

Polio spreads from Nigeria to Sudan with 105 cases.

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